Lowering Customer Billing

Hi! I have a question about customer billing. I've lowered my monthly subscription rate as a promo between now and the end of the year. I'm hoping this can be an incentive for new memberships and a "thank you" to existing subscribers. However, I've noticed that my rebills are all being charged the rate that they initially signed up to my site with. Is there a way to make sure that my existing subscribers also get this new rate amount as well as the new sign ups?


  • Hey @Krystal! Actually, once a member signs up on some terms, for example, $25/month, those terms will stick till they cancel. It isn't possible to change billing plans as they go since it's one of the billing requirements that a membership, like a contract, sticks to its terms thought the lifetime of this contract. Of course, this is mainly made to ensure against fraud (i.e. monthly rate suddenly changing for the member to $100), but at the same time it works against changing it to a lower price as well. The only way your subscribers might get the new rate is if they cancel and re-join at a different payment option (keep in mind that you won't be able to change that later as well - they'll be paying the dicounted rate until you cancel or you for some reason decide to terminate their membership).

  • @Krystal ;Could you offer your existing members something extra to compensate?

  • I'll figure something out for it as a different extra. Good to know going forward how it works. Thank you for the response! :)

  • Krystal Orchid sorry if that was unclear at first. Billing, especially recurring credit card billing, is very strict with sticking to the terms on which the user signed up.

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