Charge Backs
Has anyone else had problems with chargebacks? Ive had my website over a year and never had this, but recently Ive been getting loads, and today I logged onto my account to find it in Minus figures :'( There's 5 chargebacks from the same guy who had membership since April 2016!
Has anyone actually got the money back? The last few I had I assume I havent had the money back. Its really annoying and disheartening knowing the money is being taken back when The members have been happy on the site for months
threaten to blacklist their ass for being a deadbeat .
itll discourage guys from chargebacks
ElizabethHunny, I'm sorry to hear that
Unfortunately, chargebacks happen and they are a part of every business. You can learn more about MC's chargeback policy here:
@elizabethhunny, it may not be the customer triggering the chargeback as it may be their bank or credit card. and this is what concerns me, if a cahrgeback is proven to be fraud then that is a different matter but when a member, bank, credit card or another department suddenly start triggering chargebacks then i do feel that MC should be fighting tooth and nail to get us this money back and not deduct it from our earnings. we do after all give MC 10% of overall earnings for payment processing and and further 25% on the remaining 90% of those earnings, surely there could be pot set up to cover these types of chargebacks or alternatively MC provide us with the outcome of the investigations into those charged back transactions so we can dispute them overselves. i do also find it interesting that other website providers for models cover chargebacks so it may be worth MC to revisit this policy?
thanks x
agreeing with Elia, a chargeback company could be bought in
No credit card Company will stand with a Porn Company. Its one thing we are in equal in through the banks eyes or even the credit card companies. Sadly MC wouldnt not win a chargeback fight due to the type of work we do.
@cherazur, it's not about the industry we work in unless it clearly states as part of the cards terms and conditions that it cannot be used for payment of adult goods (this would also cover things like playing the lottery or placing a bet or buying lingerie!) it's more about how the payment was processed, this I will not go into for obvious reasons, but you will be surprised by the amount of people that very clearly enter the details required to process the transaction and it goes through then either they run out of money for the rest of the month or someone else such as a partner finds out about the transaction and so the person calls the bank or credit card company and requests a chargeback even though the transaction was genuine. Also banks and cc companies may trigger a chargeback if they consider it to be unusual spending, I do believe that they have up to 90 days to trigger this. Due to these types of transaction the charge backs should be fought and we shouldn't loose out on this and before our earnings are deducted due to a chargeback MC should be demanding full proof from the banks or cc companies to ensure that genuine fraud has taken place. Considering that everything is logged when a transaction takes place this would not be too difficult to do. The only issue is that anti fraud teams need to have limited access to other departments and may not be too willing to share the information but then it does also state under anti money laundering laws that the banks and payment processors do have to work together and share required information. Those that have paid for our goods and services then request a chargeback could fall into money laundering suspects and so would need further investigation. The other thing that we can do to protect ourselves is to raise our rates enough so that when a customer requests a chargeback it has to go through the anti fraud team investigation before the money is given back to them. I suggest checking the highest amount allowed as a chargeback then go just over that amount as your cheapest price X
The chargeback policy is a huge part of the reason that I'm leaving modelcentro all together.
I learned the hard way when a person who had purchased $380+ worth of custom videos (over time) issued chargebacks for each and every one of them. I had tons of email communications with this person and was able to put together a very substntial chargeback claim, but I have still not seen anything come of it and I don't expect to.
I highly recommend not using any sites that don't cover chargebacks. You work hard at what you do, make money for them, and they provide absolutely no protection from people looking to scam you via chargebacks.
This is standerd sadly.
This is not MC fault.
Every payment firm with adult will refund if requested.
Othwerwise the credit firms may remove payment facility.
And customers do know this.
So sadly many of you will experience charge backs. Its sadly part of life.
And while many of you may say this and that should be done, its just not possible.
The best thing MC can do is if they get charge backs, to block that customer from making payments to any site on the mc system. At least that would prevent him/her doing this again.
And more sales you get, the more this will happen.
I am sorry to hear .
as for custom videos , i charge for them thru a chargeproof method like google wallet or bitcoin . Once the custom video is done . I then upload it to my membership site.
hope this info is helpful
Its standered.
I have in the past run my own sites using ccbill, you still get chargbacks.
It will not matter who you use for payment, you WILL get chargbacks.
The truth is customers know this.
I know its frustrating, BUT this is not MC's fault, it is part of life.
Actually, there are plenty of sites that cover chargebacks.
They tend to be clip selling sites, as opposed to membership sites, but they do exist. And on those sites, losing $400 in a day is not just "part of life".
Truth is, chargebacks are not MC's fault, but it is up to MC to decide whether or not they want to cover them. And it's up to each and every one of us to decide if we want to support that kind of company and make ourselves vulnerable in that kind of way.
So I stand by what I said: I highly recommend not using any sites that don't cover chargebacks. You work hard at what you do, make money for them, and they provide absolutely no protection from people looking to scam you via chargebacks.
Hi Guys
Thanks for these replies, Nice to see its not only me it happens too (Although shit it happens to anyone) I did actually get some of the chargebacks refunded, took awhile bit it happened! I dont do custom request through the site mainly because of the fees, anything custom is done privately, So Im safe with those. Fortunantly since it happened its not happened again (fingerscrossed) just waiting to see if the other 5 or so chargebacks get refuned too (all from the same person whos had months of my membership!)