MCProfits (Affiliates)

I adore Modelcentro's platform thank you very much for creating this...however I do have an issue that I am scracthing my head about and that is MCprofits. I understand that a great affilate will drive traffic and such but I am trying to wrap my head around this and I want to know if any other model is perplexed as I am (yes I understand I do not have to use MCProfit as an affilate). If I charge 24.99 to join my site and the affilates cut is 11.27 (after MC fee, and billing fee) my cut is 5.68 please explain to me the lopsided nature of that split?



  • Hi @mazzi, please consider that 50% for affiliates is a fair share considering other affiliate programs out there, and if we want to be competitive.

    MCProfits will send additional traffic and members, that alone you wouldn't be able to reach. Furthermore, affiliate share only concerns joins and rebills, that are usually not the biggest revenue element. All secondary revenue coming from locked content, live shows, tips etc are not shared with affiliates.  That being said, a new member, coming from MCProfits affiliates, is not worth just 5.68$ :)


  • @mazzi - I completely agree. I'll never have my site open to an affiliate for 50% revshare simply for that reason. My site has been open a few months and I think my site is very successful and continues to grow. From my experience, I'm going to have to disagree with @Guido that join/rebills aren't the biggest revenue element - for me, it is. Most of my traffic only pays the monthly fee (join/rebills). Once in a while, I'll get a tip but it's nothing too consistent and I don't know of any "locked content" that you are able to actually lock through the MC platform? 

    I find my own traffic by marketing myself like crazy. This includes Twitter and Tumblr as well as my live camming shows and video sales.

    Best of luck! :)

  • @mika thank you very much for the comment. I really need start promoting on tumblr. I think what @guido is talking about for the locked content is that you can have your members unlock other videos and photos, like in inapp purchae (something like pokemongo where you buy things while inside the app). Like you though my sales come through the form of joins and rebills. Good look to you as well!

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