Number of vids required to get featured on

I know this has been answered in the past, but searching this forum didn't bring up the information I was looking for. Sorry for duplicate threads, but I did do a search first.

What is the video requirements to get featured on Also, what's the required affiliate commission?

Would be badass and awesome to get the same info for Rabbit Reviews and any other review / directory / affiliate sites available out there. I know that Mr Sexy guy has his own directory.

Shit, I need to holler at Crak Media again and see what they're looking for. They've got a series of list-style sites and I don't think they're featuring very many individual sites.

Kind of seeking out all the different directory sites (both for an inquiry, my in-house use and for some bloggage) so if there's anything anyone wants to reference, that would be badass and awesome! ;)


  • WebcamStartup , So a model should have  at least 10 content items published on the  site( photosets, videos, published live shows). takes 25% from joins and 25% from rebills.

    As for, Rabbits Reviews, they require 25 content items published and take 50% from joins and 50% from rebills. This is what I know for sure, as we are integrated with these services. 

  • Awesome! Thanks! Thanks for the email too!

  • WebcamStartup , you are most welcome cheeky

  • So they take an ADDITIONAL 25% off what we make??? so we go down from 67% to like 42% ?????

  • TexxxasSummers, promotes models like an affiliate, so, it takes 25% from sales brought by it

  • Extra memberships is better than no extra memberships but this still feels like double-dipping to me, especially given how half-assed promotion is.

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