Tips without subscribing

Hello everyone ! 

I told you I'd ask some questions, it took me some times but here it is ! :p

1 -

Some of my fans can't afford the subscription but want to be able to tip me on my site (and there is no way I lower my price).

How is that possible ? Can someone register without subscribing ? Means no access to content but able to tip, donate and buy things from the Store (I heard it's coming woohoo ! :p


2 -

Also, I want to give a free month as a raffle price. So I had a look at this feature and I need to enter informations such as nickname and mail. Does this means my winner has to be a member already ?

So same question : can someone register without subscribing (=no access to content) ? 


Suggestion if not already implemented : Make a difference between VIP members who subscribed, and members who registered ( a nickname + mail) and are able to tip me and watch non explicit content, and that I can manage through my site (pressure them to subscribe lol).


Thank you for your time!

Sharleen Fleury



  • Both members and non-members of your site can tip you via the Tips page:

    If you look at the form on the right hand side, you'll see that they can tip either $20, $50, $100, or type in their own amount. They don't have to be a member of your site to tip you this way.

    To answer your second question, you can manually add members to your website if you want to give a membership away as a prize. You just go to your Dashboard, click Fans List on the bottom left, click Add New Fan, put in their username, email address, and how long of a membership you want to give them. Have "Generate password automatically" checked and click Create. It will send them the username and password to their email address and they'll be able to login as a normal member for the amount of time you gave them.

  • Thank you dirtylittleholly :)

    They don't have to be a member of your site to tip you this way.

    That's great ! Two non member people tried to tip me and told me it didn't work, thus I asked. 

    Sharleen Fleury


  • @Sharleenflry, ask them to use "Technical Support" in the footer to report if they were getting an error. If they really were getting one, that is - so many people pretend to be tring to pay it's ridiculous. Hope this isn't the case and they really are hitting some error or another, tell them to reach out please and we'll help through the issues.

  • That's exactly what I was thinking Natalie! So I asked them to use the Technical Support and to explain me how it didn't work. Had no answer since then, ridiculous yes. 

    I'm glad there isn't any error tho wink

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