Hey guys, could you give me some feedback on my site?

Hey guys,

Contructive feedback welcome as I am still very new to this!

Any comments are welcomed. 

Thank you xoxo



  • Looks really great. I would suggest when writing your blog to make it bigger. Its really small and hard to read. And another definitley more content, Updating a couple times a week tell you have lots of content.

  • edited May 2016

    SkyTopsham  , welcome to ModelCentro!

    I'd only try to add background images or play with its color, don't really like this grey background. Everything else looks good to me :) 

  • edited May 2016

    @SashaGreen @Kris Ann Thank you guys,

    Following things have been taken on board....

    - Newest blog features bigger text

    - Got 2 Videos and a photo set going on this weekend! 

    - The grey background has been changed to match the rest of the page. 

    Thanks for the suggestions, I appreciate the help <3

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