Site Store

Hi there!

I was wondering how far off you are from adding a store tab. I currently have a tab that redirects to my MV store but some of my members have said its a pain to sign up with a whole bunch of sites. I would love to be able to sell my videos to non-members and products to everyone who visits. It would be nice to be able to close down all my other accounts and just use this one...


Chloe, xx


  • Chloe Keller  , the development of this feature is in progress - our designers are working on interfaces for it right now. Hopefully, it will be released in Q2 2016 

  • Rather than closing down your other accounts, should consider using them to upsell MC memberships and generate any sales from their internal traffic. Just my opinion. But yes, it'd be awesome to monetize non-member traffic through the sale of stand-alone products and services.

  • I'm also still hoping for individual video sales through the site to non-members. 

  • This is definitely a much needed/desired feature. I'll second Alex on the desire to be able to sell individual videos to non-members. Having a store that is open to everyone would definitely be an increase in sells and help with traffic re-direct.

  • yes please! itd basically be like MV where you can do all of that in one only Modelcentro is way better than MV. So with that being said id love it if you guys let us do individual video sales and products and services to non members. It would make the site better and increase our sales. Also once you guys implement that feature I will happily close down my MV store!

  • Super excited for the store feature as well. But @CamilaCherry, if I were you I'd keep your MV store open as well as a MC store. The more sites you're on, the more chances you have of being seen and the more money you can make!

  • I can't wait for this feature! It's much easier for me and them

  • I'd like to shamelessly bump this up! I'm very eager for this feature and wanted to add/request there be a re-bill feature to the store. For example, it's x amount per month to continue to have access to my Kik account instead of it being just a one-time fee. Will this feature be included with the store? 


  • Bump away! I am super eager aswell, I'm making a large amount of content and product sales at the moment and would love to be able to redirect those sales to my site.

  • Mika, I'll pass your request to our devs :) 

  • It would be great to have a store for tangible items, yes please! :)

  • Bump.


    Definitely waiting on this

  • Is there any ETA on the site store?

    I'm seriously considering making a store somewhere else and just linking it to my MC page. I really need this for my site.

    However, if MC store is near completition, I'll just wait but I think it's been something MC has been working on for a long time now? 

    Thanks :)

  • edited July 2016

    Mika , we don't have exact ETA yet,unfortunately. If you need a site store up quickly (within this month, for example), it's better to create it somewhere else and link it to your MC site

  • I wanted to make sure I bump this thread with! Woot woot enjoy your store and don’t forget to enter the contest!

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