Setting up analitic


is there any chance to have a "thank you for joining" page that members would see after billing? it would allow to use google analytic for 100%.   It is impossible to figure out wich traffic converts at this moment. 

Also do we have any other way to track traffic conversion if google can't be set up?


  • @SashaGreen, I believe @akaAlex is refering to the conversion rules and channel attribution you're able to setup in Google Analytics. It requires that the user lands on a specific URL in order to trigger the conversion. Something that @dirtylittleholly and I wanted to experiment with as well.

    From what I understand (as per @Natalie), when a user signs up and they're redirected to the homepage, there's a string of charecters in the URL. It might be possible to setup conversion rules based on that. I know analytics has the ability for Wildcards, for lack of better words, so it might be possible to setup conversion rules based on that.

    akaAlex, if you want to experiment with that route, this is something that I've wanted to figure out personally and I would be VERY interested to get my hands on conversion data as well. I'm not performing, so I've got next to ZERO insight into what traffic converts for individual model sites.

  • @akaAlex, right now, after a member joins your site, he/she gets redirected to the home page of your site. Our dev team is about to roll out the ability to use ECommerce tracking in GA that allows you to see and track sales and converstions

  • Exciting. I've never played around with ecommerce in GA. Will it be able to attribute an actual dollar amount to each channel based off the actual sales and rebills, opposed to a hypothetical number entered when setting up the conversion rules?

  • You'll be able to see join option titles, not actual $, we thought going with real profit wasn't too secure, so had to cut it down to join option names, still very handy and actually tracks conversion vs. traffic source.

  • Hi @webcamstartup @Natalie @SashaGreen ;

    Thanks for replaying! I'm glad to know you are working on this. Even conversion info without details would help a lot.  We would know real conversion rate of promo sources and would focus on useful ones!

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