Why Changing Your Twitter Password is Not Enough!

It is not uncommon for people to share their Twitter passwords with other people, especially is they work with you. However, sometimes something happens and we no longer work with that person.  Often, we will change our Twitter password thinking that will revoke their access to our account.  It will, unless they are accessing it from a 3rd party app like Twitter on your phone or hootsuite. 

Changing your password does not automatically revoke authorization of your Twitter account from 3rd party apps.  This has the potential to be a big security risk for you.  I put together a video showing you how to revoke authorization and how to review what apps are accessing your Twitter account. 



  • 7veils  , good to know 

  • 7veils  i've been there before, and had https://twitter.com/LulaNoel hack my 1st twitter account. I still had access via my mobile device & told all my fans i was hacked. I Think i had about 2400+ followers at the time.Ii was devestated when i couldnt access my account. As you can see on the profile they still have MY Display photo up. For what reason im not sure thankfully my fans, followers & supporters #DesirableNation know that im the real account. I reported it too twitter and they didnt have anything to say about it. people try and reap the rewards that we have & Thats wrong so if you all can report this profile I would greatly appreciate it. I hope to get this hacker #Shutdown.


    Thank you


  • Wow. I've honestly never considered that. Good heads-up!

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