Favorites become Likes on Twitter

Another change has happened on Twitter. Twitter has changed the "favorite" stars to "like" hearts. It is the same function, but a new name and a new icon.  The idea of liking something on Facebook has become a part of our lexicon.  Liking and "hearting" things have become a part of our user behavior, and a "social currency".  Favorites were originally designed as a social bookmark. Someone would favorite something so they could find it later and come back to it.  They are still used that way but also as a way to let someone know you like their post. The change is user intention is what has sparked the change in icon and verbiage. 

Twitter believes that the hearts will increase the volume of people liking tweets. By making it less of a social bookmarking tool and more of an engagement tool, Twitter expects to see more people liking tweets.

Liking a tweet is also a good way to boost your followers. There is abouta 5-10% follow back ratio after you favorite a tweet. So if you see something you like, give it a like and let them know. You may get a new follower out of it. 

Read the article: http://www.theverge.com/2015/11/3/9661180/twitter-vine-favorite-fav-likes-hearts



  • I've noticed the change yesterday and was pleasantly surprised. I think the hearts are a better representation of how people use the button anyway.

  • So far they are seeing a 6% increase in liking/favoriting since implementation

  • It's clicking that red button, I think :)

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