Embed video on blog

I read somewhere in a thread that we can now embed videos in the blog section by way of a link.

But, I can't find a site to host snippets of adult video. Any suggestions?


  • @Rebecca, to be honest, I'm not sure if any of the video services will allow it - the biggest ones surely won't. We were thinking the blog videos would be used for, well - vlogs, which many models lead anyway on youtube or vimeo. Why not use the regular videos tab for adult videos?
  • I like to put a short teaser on the blog. I'll stick to using gifs. Although, having said all that, my teasers aren't adult, just a little saucy which means I cam use my regular video service.

    Ignore my original question...it was posted before I'd had caffeine!
  • edited August 2015
    Any of the tube sites offer embed codes. Watermark the fuck out of it and apply for their publisher programs. In addition to getting the traffic from the tube site (direct traffic from watermark) you'll also get paid a CPM from the tube sites. Don't expect to get rich off it, but it's a new revenue stream as well as a method of promotion and you can embed it onto your blog without having to worry about TOS violations for YouTube or Vimeo.

    By the way, DailyMotion is a lot more liberal with their content. They allow for nudity, just not actual sex, penetration or anything like that. Videos must be flagged as adult.

    [EDIT] You'll have to ask the ModelCentro team if tube site content can be embedded. The code snippet is very similar to any other embed code, so I couldn't imagine why not.
  • I did actually try to embed from a tube site where I do have a publisher/producer account but it didn't work.
  • It depends on whether the site supports video embeds though, some tubes don't.
  • @Natalie it gives an embed code. I was testing things but it didn't work.

    Not a major problem but would have been nice to have the option.
  • @Rebecca, I'll find out what's up and let you know. Could you pls let me know which tube this was and if you could send me the code snippet I'd be very thankful as well. Here or through email - natalie at modelcentro.com
  • @Natalie Thank you. I have emailed you
  • I'd be curious to know what porn tube sites ModelCentro can embed, if a list could be provided. 
  • @Rebecca @WebcamStartup, the blog supports embeds from sites that use OEmbed, which is the most common Embed code in mainstream websites - like YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud etc.

    If you do need to embed videos from tubes, let's draw up a list of 2-3 that are crucial and critical and we can ask our dev team to adapt and parse the code from these tubes. Unfortunately, we can not support ALL of the tubes, so let's choose the most common ones. Tubes don't follow any single regulation as to how they serve their embed scripts, so it'd be entirely different if we tried to embed from PornHub and from XHamster. We also believe that simply posting the IFrame with a non-native script can be both an esthetical (might end up looking horrible depending on screen resolution) and a security (foreign scripts are never a good idea) problem.
  • Oooh, great idea. Well, much as I hate it, XHamster does bring traffic to my shows and site so I post teaser videos there which I'd love to post to my MC blog, too
  • So, XHamster should be among the top, any others? @WebcamStartup
  • Pornhub is the major player, definetely include them.
  • So, XHamster and Pornhub so far, any others? (Question to all the forum dwellers :)
  • You Porn as My Cam Site will be Promoting me and Id Love to Share the Admin Videos taken
  • Blimey, xHamster can be such a pain when upoading videos...it can take a day or more. I often want to post a short snippet teaser video but it takes so long I give up!

  • I can't even get a youtube video to embed.

  • @rebecca, can you please get a bit more details (screenshots if possible) and shoot an email to support at modelcentro.com ?

  • Have emailed support now  :o)

  • edited September 2015

    Ha! Problem solved. 

    I was trying to use the embed code but all I needed was the link!

    So, I guess a link to a video on any site will work.

    Thank you for your help

    EDIT: Once I publish a post, the video doesn't show. Hey ho..back to gifs it is!

    (Please give us an option to use HTML as well as the published view, even if only on the blog posts)
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