Twitter: Back to the Basics

I have had some people asking me to speak about some of the Twitter basics. Every once in a while it is good to have a reminder about best practices for Twitter.

1. Tweet every day
You don not necessarily have to tweet a lot every day, but tweeting at least 3-5 times is a good idea to keep your account active. Make sure you are sharing a link back to your site at least once a day. You are using Twitter to drive traffic to your site, make sure you remember to promote yourself. See the post on hootsuite for ways to do that automatically.

2. Make your avatar a picture of you...with eyes!
Yes, that sounds strange. But neuromarketing shows that a people are more likely to look at a photo with eyes in it than one with out. So make sure that your Twitter avatar has your face in it. 

3. Post pictures!
Since you are promoting your content you need to make sure to post pictures. Even better if you can post at least one photo daily, if not more. You photo's do not all need to be content, they can also just be selfies or pics from your life.

4. Be Authentic
The more like you that you are, the more your fans will relate to you and be loyal to you. People don't just want to see the pornstar. Don't just be promotional. They also want to see the girl that likes hot chocolate or looks frumpy first thing in the morning. Talk about things that matter to you, or movies, or tv. Basically, be a real person on Twitter.

5. Talk to People
Social media is about being social. Make sure you talk to people. Respond to your mentions. Retweet some people's tweets. The more engaged you are the more likely people are to follow you and share your tweets. Twitter is a community. You will get more out of it by participating in it. 

These are 5 simple basic steps to follow on Twitter that will help you have a successful Twitter account. 
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