Facebook Cheat

Everyone wants to know how to get exposure on Facebook. There is an algorithm called EDGErank that decides what will go on the Facebook news feed and what will not. This is what limits the impressions from posts on your page. However, there is a little hack that will get your posts in the newsfeed. You have to post from a personal profile and not a page. This is only available for profiles. Before I tell you the hack, I need to remind you that Facebook frowns on doing business on personal profiles and that your posts need to be SFW. Be careful the links your are posting on Facebook because they can get very upset about posting to adult sites. But sending someone to a Twitter profile, is usually fine. 

Ok, on to the hack. 

Facebook has "life events". I am sure you have seen people posting life events for when they get married, have babies, graduate. But did you know you can post a life event for anything. I got the flu. I read a book. I updated my site.  Why would you do this? Because a life event gets shared with EVERYONE in your network!  

You don't want to post life events all the time, that might get you flagged in Facebook. However, it is a nice trick to drive up some exposure. 

How to create a life event:
1. Go to your profile and in the status bar, one choice is a life event. Pick that. 

2. Select the event and then pick the category "Create your own" 
3. Post! Then you "life event" is shared with the world


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