Great to be back!

edited January 2015 in Random Discussions
Well, these were a crazy 2 and a half weeks! 

You wouldn't believe how happy I am to finally be back to the office and out of the constant turmoil of trade shows. It only sounds like a lot of fun... XBIZ, InterNext, and AVN shows were a good 99% hard work, meetings, seminars and just a total runaround, and then of course 1% good fun :) I met a lot of wonderful people, got to hang out with industry professionals and renown models, located multiple new avenues for possible development and of course made many useful contacts. I promise to do my best to now apply all the things I've learned to your benefit.

I am very happy to see how the community has grown over the two weeks. It is a great pleasure to see it becoming a truly useful resource for all the wonderful businessmen and women who run their sites on our platform. I will begin to chime in more often, answer questions and start interesting new discussions. See you on the pages of the community!

So great to be back!
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