Hide Features? Display Banners?

1. Is there a way to hide unwanted sections, at least to the guests?

I do not want the photos, videos, or calendar section appearing to guests. I also wanted to remove some of the "Join" links that are on every single page (just have it on the menu) as well as that giant space on the home page after the "Welcome to my official site". 

2. I would like to display some banners from cam websites that I'm on so guests know where to find my caming profiles. Is there a way to do this? I don't see anywhere where there's an HTML box or anything to edit. 


  • edited January 2015
    Hi Aloria,
    1. You can hide  Live Show, Blog and Tips tabs if you don't add any options or posts, however, videos and photos sections will be on tour, featuring only a preview of the content. If you want to hide all your videos, photosets and events from guests, all you need is to unmark 'Show on tour' in setting sections.


    As for a space after "Welcome to my official site", there should be a welcome banner or a welcome video. 
    Please check this website out: http://dominika-c.com/. It's made on the same layout as yours.You can easily upload it through the MC Editor, just go to My Site- Design - Tour - Change Welcome Video or Welcome Banner.
    3. Talking about banners, unfortunately there is no ability to add HTML pages yet. However we can add banners to your website, feel free to contact me directly by emailing to sasha@modelcentro.com, I'll be glad to help.
  • Thank you for this information. However, I feel as though the "show on tour" and "show on main page" options are only for individual items such as a specific video, a specific picture set, and/or a specific event. There is no way to remove these sections in their entirety from the guest page so guests don't see the video and picture area with nothing there? 

  • edited January 2015
    Aloria, our technicians can remove those tabs from your website, please specify which tabs you would like to be removed :) 
  • What is the tech e-mail address? I can message them directly. Thank you :)
  • support at modelcentro.com ;)
  • Thank you! I will e-mail them regarding the changes I'm looking for.

    I have a few more questions:

    1. Is the messaging system for text exchanges only? Is there a way to send members photos/videos through this as well? It seems as though there are only members (with access to everything) and non-members?

    2. Where do you suggest I list on the website what caming sites I'm on? I don't see a function for this currently and can only think of the blog being a good spot for this but it would keep getting farther and farther down the page.

  • Bumping again.

    Also - how long does it take for support to usually respond? It has been over 24 hours now, hehe. 
  • I think a good spot to list the camming sites you're on is in the text area next to your intro video on the home page. You can make the links clickable also, like I did on my page: http://dirtylittleholly.com/home
  • Thank you for the suggestion! :) I like the way you set yours up!
  • No problem, and thanks! :)
  • Holly, how did you get those links to work? I added mine using HTML and it displayed the HTML as oppose to the link. 
  • edited January 2015
    Hello Aloria, you can easily add those links through the MC editor.

    1. Just go to My Site - Design - Tour - Change Welcome Text;
    2. Type a name of the website you want to mention;
    3. Pick the website name text out and click on a 'link' button;


    4. Type the website URL and click OK.

  • Yep... like Sasha said :)
  • Ah, perfect! Thank you!
  • Is there a way to change my username here in the forums? XD 
  • 2nd question - How do we get a follow back on the ModelCentro Twitter?

    Thank you :)
  • edited January 2015
    Hi Aloria, 
    To change the MC Community username just click on your profile image


    2. Click on ' Edit Profile'


    3. Type your desired username and click on the 'Save' button.

  • Could you please provide me with the link to your Twitter profile, so we can follow you back? :) 
  • Sasha, I followed your steps to change my community username. However, I am unable to edit my name. The box is greyed out with a red cross-out as the cursor. Please advise. 

    As for Twitter: @quisfae
  • edited January 2015
    Aloria, did you use space in your user name? It should contain only letters, numbers or underscores. 
  • The username was already set - I just wanted to change it but it doesn't seem possible. I am still waiting for a Twitter follow back, as well. 
  • We've sent you a follow request on Twitter and it's still pending.

  • Got it, thank you! Is it possible to change the username once it's set?
  • edited January 2015
    Aloria, could you please provide me with the desired username? I'll change it for you :) 
  • Found some unansewred questions:

    I have a few more questions:

    1. Is the messaging system for text exchanges only? Is there a way to send members photos/videos through this as well? It seems as though there are only members (with access to everything) and non-members?

    we're working on attachments of pics and vids to messages right now. In fact, they will also be "locked" as an option, with an upsell unlock button ;)

    2. Where do you suggest I list on the website what caming sites I'm on? I don't see a function for this currently and can only think of the blog being a good spot for this but it would keep getting farther and farther down the page.

    You can do it in a few ways. Blog is one, about me text is also popular, some models put it right in their welcome text, i.e. http://goddessmarley.com/ did a great job on that.
  • I emailed you about adding banners for review sites Sasha. Im assuming there is still no other way to request banners be added, I could not find an option to edit the html anywhere to add them on my membership site. 

  • takiaya, passed to the dev team already cheeky 

  • @takiaya, changes to the HTML of the website is actually a topic for heated discussion. On one end - we want to give you all the tools you wish for in a website and on the other - it's so easy to break when editing HTML that we'll need to completely protect the website from any possible HTML edits. Right now, when custom changes are added, this is done by a front-end developer, then checked by the back-end guys and then goes through QA on staging before it ever hits production and shows up on your website. This weeds out 99% of problems that the edits might cause. If we make a feature that will let everyone edit the website's HTML, how much downtime will this cause? I am all for full freedom of changes on the websites but as of now even I am more pro doing it via customization requests through support than developing a feature that would potentially cause issues all over the websites. That being said, I'm sure there are quite a few MC website owners that would do it without causing bugs.

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