5 things NOT to do on Twitter

Every once in a while it is good to talk about what not to do, instead of just tips on what you should do.  So lets looks at some common tweeting behavior to avoid.

1. You do not need to tag yourself in a tweet.  
This is unnecessary. The tweet is coming from you, so it already has your twitter handle (@name) attached to it. Inserting your own name just takes up valuable twitter space and is redundant.

2. Do not respond to your own tweets
If you wrote the tweet you do not need to respond back.  I posted an example below:
imageAs you can see it looks a little strange. Primarily because you are talking to yourself. If you want to continue the thought, all you have to do is post another tweet. Responding to your first tweet will only show up in your mentions and on your twitter timeline, but will not be sent out on your newsfeed. This means your followers will never see the follow up tweet. See the post How Not to Limit Your Audience to learn more about starting tweets with @ mentions. 

3. Do not hashtag the word #the #it #a ....you get it.
You do not need to hashtag articles or pronouns. 
Example of an article: a, an, the
Example of a pronoun: I, me, mine, myself, she, her, hers, herself, we, us, ours and ourselves

Hashtags are keywords that are meant to help people find things in search, or help identify what you are talking about in your tweet. 
In this case, the hashtag #GameOfThrones lets the reader know that I am tweeting about the tv show

4. Do not hashtag everything
Never hashtag every word in a tweet. It is annoying and people really don't like it. It either looks spammy or like you are trying to annoy people. It is bad Twitter etiquette, just don't do it. 

5. Do not announce a list of people who unfollowed you
There are services that do this automatically. The idea being, if you tweet out that someone unfollowed you, they will feel guilty and follow you back. It doesn't work that way, in real life. It looks petty and often gets people angry that you called them out. If you are really unsure why someone unfollowed you, because you had a personal relationship with them. Send them a tweet and ask them. They might not realize they did and will follow you back. 


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