ability to post custom tweets

so im familiar with the social sharing feature built into Model centro for twitter however i would like to suggest the ability to have the option to create custom tweets in the section where you post content in the my site/videos or photosets section.

when you add a new video or photoset have a twitter field that allows you to put in custom description that way when the content gets posted in model centro and the tweet goes out there will be a better description about the content itself as opposed to using 1 generic message thats being offered in the social sharing / twitter section

this suggestion will be good because this will allow us to create specific tweets for themed days such as tittytuesday , asswednesday, friskyfriday ect.... more sharing = opportunity for more sales!!!


  • We think editing the message to the tweets you're sending is a great idea and helps your fans feel closer to you so we advise everyone to customize their tweets. <3

  • yes i feel the same ,so would it be possible to have a custom twitter message field per post on the videos and photosets section as the current setting you have now for twitter posts in the social sharing section isnt going work per each specific post

  • If you set up "Ask me" at social media sharing, you'll be able to customize your tweets and you'll be asked every time before tweeting. :smile:
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