Different membership levels?
... I had the idea for different membership levels and permissions. Or selectively giving download permission.
Like, if someone pays $45-$60 a month, I wouldn't mind them downloading everything. For $20 a month, or less, it makes no sense for me. If someone's a member for longer than 3-6+ months, I don't mind them downloading either.
It's the guys that join for $20, download everything, and then don't recur, which is the main reason I've disabled downloads on my site (also, because I do fur fetish, there's a very real possibility of being targeted by PETA/anti-fur nuts as I get more popular).
Is this something in the works?
I personally think that with the internet being so ubiquitous, that the "download everything" model is becoming irrelevant and increasingly makes less sense, but guys seem to want it and it seems popular on other sites (and I don't mind offering it, for a higher price).
Random thought: If a guy is technologically decently smart he can figure out how to download the clips (I did), but I don't to make it obvious.