Integrating Twitter on your ModelCentro Site

One of the best ways to get more from your social media is to integrate it on your ModelCentro site. Through applications, you can easily connect your Twitter account and have the tweets displayed on your site. 

Obvious Benefits
  • Get more followers on your Twitter account
  • Introduce your fans to your Twitter account
  • Makes your ModelCentro site more interesting
  • Makes your ModelCentro site more personal
Less Obvious Benefits
  • Keep people on your ModelCentro site longer
  • Introduce them to new (and more) content on your site
  • More time spent on your site = more money
I once worked with a site where integrating their Twitter feed into their site, and frequently tweeting about content on their site, increased their Twitter click through rate by 80%. What was happening was that people say the tweets about the site content and were clicking on the links to go to that content. The Twitter feed acted as a suggestion box for content. Your Twitter feed can do the same thing. 

Obviously you don't want to flood your Twitter with promotional tweets. But you can have a good frequency of marketing tweets. The standard ration is 80/20 (engagement/marketing) but you can take it so 60/40 if you want, especially if you make some of your engagement tweets be combo engagement/marketing tweets. An example of this would be a pic tweet that links to your site. 

By increasing the number of marketing tweets you have you can increase your traffic from Twitter, but you can also increase the amount of time people spend on your site. More time on your site = more money. 
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