Search Function for Videos

Hi there, I have a suggestion for videos.  I have a lot of videos from years past and I tend to keep the names the same from one platform to another.  Could we have a search function in the video area where I could type in the name of the video to see if I've uploaded it already.  I have almost 400 videos in my website and over 1000 not yet uploaded.  It gets cumbersome trying to figure out which I have already added.  Thank you!! 


  • I have a similar problem what I started doing was copying all the videos I wanted to upload into a seperate uploads folder and then going through and deleting the ones that have already been uploaded. I also found that using the frontend to check which have been uploaded a little bit easier since theres more per page and you can filter by tags as well.

    But yes a search function would be nice or maybe Categories in addition to Tags would help not only us but our members find exactly what they wanna see.

  • great ideas  & i 100% agree  - categories & search option 

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