New settings tab - What that is about.

edited March 2014 in Updates and Features
Hey guys and gals,
you must have noticed the new "Settings" tab in the top menu and I wanted to let you know what it's about.

This tab will be used for different sorts of preferences and settings, allowing you to better manage content, set website conditions etc. Stay tuned for announcements of new settings options.

Currently the menu lets you choose whether you want announcements about events on your site to be posted automatically to your social networks. This way, every time you publish a new photoset, video or blog post, and also at the time you schedule a live show - notices can be sent out to the social networks you choose. You can always disable the option or set it to ask your permission every time one would be sent - all up to you. We implemented automatic notices to make life easier for you ;)

Feedback is greatly appreciated.


  • This is a great feature for promotion . 

    It's works really well for my fb & tumbler.

    On my twitter , a new blog & live show goes up . but the new photo set & video just went live doesn't seem to go up .

    I have checked that I have them ticked to always go up ?

    Strange, Shall I email hank about this ?
  • Hello Angel!
    I've just double checked the settings you have and it's really weird that Twitter sharing doesn't work on your account. Could you please email me names of photo sets and videos which are not shown on Twitter to , so I will be able to investigate this bug.
    By the way, we highly recommend editing the automatic sharing posts to give them more variety and your personal touch :)
  • Wicked , email is sent 

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