FetLife.com - Facebook of Fetiches

Yes, exactly that. I know I am not what some would consider a Model Model. Nor do i fit the normal standard of sexual relations.

Almost all succesfull MC Models are "Vanillas" {No ofencese just a fact} Im the oposite, im a dark rainbow of flavors and textures... 50% of the readers will disaprove! 95% will never do anything like it but then I find Fetlife.com 

I have found simple few friends users like me right now, to the big SuperStars with 150k Followers and their own successfull porn brand!

Writers, photograpers, models, artist, fans Humans with a darker taste of ice cream. all with the fetish life in common.  Everything is there, Nowhere near Facebook since is relatively new. It started in 2008.

Small almost 7 million users. Advertises itself by user recomendations, just like im doing right now. I recomend it, not all users are twisted perverts, most are very vanilla too. cheeky

Wins money by having small adds from user websites. Donations. It is Free but limits some functionality. Like you can only see a certain ammount of new things per day. I susspect server maintainance costs.

Part Dating site part Social Network. Groups events It has started to hire again, Coders, Designers, Project managers etc. So i believe there is a mayor upgrade comming and it is growing.

Making a profile is as easy as it can get.

The Sexual Gender and Role of you profile has more option that even i knew existed. You can add all your websites and social networks. Just no Affiliate codes! 

To Upload content one needs to swear it is you or you own the rights to it. No restrictions what so ever. All goes just not anyhing ilegal. There is a report function wich i have no experience with. The best of all FREE DMCA TAKEDOWNS! and it give you a template to fill out just like a form.

Uploading Pictures is a pain! One by one. The only way to upload it from your mobile is to send it to your own fetlife mail address. Wich is ridiculously long and hard to copy.

Uploading videos is great. 5gb limit. Video Formats? Quality? This is the QA.

Q. What formats do we accept?

A lot. All of the ones you can think of and many you have never heard of. 

I would love the Link Fetlife Button at MC. This is obvious a next year longshot, if ever... still i believe this would be great oportunity for both sides, MC, FetLife and of couse us models! 

I have taken the liberty of befreinding the owner and asked what he would think of this. Im sending both thing at this moment and will come back with the answere.

Ok, i have done my homework as requested. Now can i have my cookie? surprise




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