Do we need a newsletter? Will you be sending these emails?

Our beloved KaitlinK came up with a great idea - to add a newsletter feature that will let your fans subscribe to the emails and, even if they don't join today - they'll come back later and do it because you could send regular newsletters. My question is - would you do it? Is this something you're willing to spend time on? Do you think this is essential or could this wait a bit till we have the more important stuff done?


  • I would!! I think thats a cool idea :)
  • I'd be interested in this ;-) 
  • Yes, I find the newsletter quite important :) 
  • Yes, I would?
  • yes sounds gr8
  • Definitely, sounds like a fantastic idea to entice people who initially might not be interested to join or at least give the sites a second look.
  •  yes this is a greate idea
  • I brought this idea up MONTHS ago! ... Also we need to be able to email all members at once! When we drop new items ... We also should be able to see the exact amount of our payday & when it is ...  we should be able to email all who have attempted to sign up but never made payment at once ....And finally the site should be ALOT more interactive damn near everyone who cancels tells me its because its not interactive!

    Honestly if we ask for it we should get it because were basically paying you guys to handle our pages without the models you dont make any money but when we do put in request they get back listed and in the end everyone loses money
  • Hello ladies, 
    I agree that mailing members is an important marketing tool, but usually it's not taken seriously or done on a major scale as that takes a lot of time and effort (which is why I started this thread - to wait and see if there will be a substantial amount of models who will use the feature before starting on it). It is also not such an easy tool to develop - there are systems that allow for mass mailings that cost 100's of dollars to use on a monthly basis,  developing one from scratch is very time consuming and difficult, even if not full-blown. 
    The first thing that will be done for mailings is the ability to get an emails dump - where you can click a button and download a list of all user's names+their email. That can easily be used for a mailing. That's step one, and this I can promise will be done in the nearest time.
    As I hope you noticed, we are working hard on new features and improvements - you get notifications of this very often. I agree with you, Shynie, that "if you ask for it you should get it", as we see models as our business partners and value their input and needs very highly. However, some things are done faster than others, some take longer than others to develop, and we have a lot of requests to take care of, so a priorities system is in place to take care of when things will be done. 
    Let's be positive and work together to make this system the best thing that happened to models since the invention of a camera :)
  • I think that would be a great idea, but there's definitely other features that I think should take priority over this. The thing I want to see the most is a store front.
  • Thanks, Holly. Yes, that's been adding in priority for a while. Step 1 rolling out soon, but I can't spoil the surprise :)
  • I would Def Use this Feature Thank you
  • I would 100% use a feature like this. 
  • Oh how exciting I cant wait for a store front.
  • I would definitely love this idea! I would make good use of it for my fans as well, to keep them updated as much as possible. I also agree with the fact that it could help the newsletter subscriber decide to become a trial or even regular membership!
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