Images on home page quadruple in size after they are uploaded
Hey all,
This is quite strange - it seems that any JPEG we upload as part of the site design (we are using the infinity theme, if that makes a difference) is getting re-encoded on your end, using the "99%" quality setting which makes them HUGE!
To be clear, we are talking huge in terms of *file size*, not dimension in pixels. The resulting image is still the same dimension (say, 1920 x 753px in the case of our banner images), but instead of being 250kb (the size of the file we upload) it ends up being over 850kb!!! Multiply that by all of the images on our home page and it makes for a truly bloated and slow-loading site.
Any idea what could be causing this problem? Thanks!!
Hi there! Reporting this to the support team and the devs will look right into it.
In the meantime, here's a list of recommended sizes for images on Infinity which should make the editing easier:
Splash 2560 x 1440 2560 x 1440
Join 2560 x 1440
404 2560 x 1440
Logo 280 x 60
Slider images 1920 x 700
Welcome banner 960 x 545
Feature images (1, 2, 3) 640 x 545
Join banner 1920 x 680
About me image (1, 2) 960 x 545
Counter image 1920 x 560
Live show background image 1920 x 750
Tips image 960 x 840
Wow quick answer - thanks!
How can I get in touch with support? We had a long and unproductive discussion about this yesterday with a person from modelcentro using the red circle button at the bottom of our admin area... Kept trying to explain that its was a file size problem, not a problem of dimensions, and never got a sense that the problem was understood
That'd be support or you could email They're not bad guys, just takes them time to see the problem sometimes since it isn't always easy to reproduce it and they can't fix a bug they can't reproduce. The problem was understood and reported to developers, who are now working on it. I've asked them to keep you posted on the progress.
Ok great - thanks! Very cool to be kept informed, appreciate it!
As a web developer myself, I would look into your server-side jpeg encoding library first. Using 99% as a quality setting for jpegs on the web is unheard of, and is probably a typo in the code. I also had a look around at other modelcentro sites using Infinity and they all seems to have the same problem (did not test other themes), so it is quite possible that a small tweak to your code (and subsequent re-encoding of a *lot* of images will yield huge download speed improvements for modelcentro sites accross the board!
Thanks, I'll pass this along.