Using Controversy to Grow your Twitter Account

The political discussions have made many people uneasy with their social media discussion. But there is a big opportunity when it comes to political discourse and dissension.  Politics is divisive. But being divisive also inspires loyalty.  Many people who have decided to become a part of political discussions are accelerating their follower growth. By getting involved do they risk losing followers? Yes they do. But you are more likely to gain than you are to lose.  The argument against being actively political is that you have customers that are on both sides. People who are not interested in your politics will usually just tune out your political tweets. You may get some people who actively tweet in disagreement with you, as well as in support. But both become opportunities for discussion. The discussion gives you a chance to be more well rounded and express more about your intellect than your content.  Many people, even if they disagree, like to read your opinions because it makes you more of a real person instead of just tweets on their phone. 

Should you get political? It is a risk. If you do make sure that you are:

1. Polite- don't get into any name calling. There are enough trolls out there and you don't need to become one.

2. Educate yourself about the topic.  There is nothing worse than a rant based in BS. Make sure you actually know what you are talking about.

3. Retweets and favorites are a great way to express your support or dissension about a topic.

4. Use hashtags associated with the topic.  

5. Be prepared to state your side. If you jump into the conversation people will want to know your stance.

6. Be prepared for some people to unfollow you and not agree with you. 

7. Be prepared for some people to enthusiastically agree with you and follow you. 

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