Payments As Tips


Why do some financial transactions show up as 'Payment Pending?'

I am working with Henry to change the tips part of my site so that it is also a page where people can pay me for my services and need to know when and how payments clear.

Thanks xxx


  • Hey Melanthe,
    Payment Pending means that the user typed in his username/email/password, but never finished filling out the payment page. Either he didn't bother to get the card out and fill it in, or tried to provide fake info, or there wasn't enough money on the account, or this user is blacklisted as he's known for fraud - there's many reasons why a user could stay in "payment pending" stage. We recommend reaching out to them by email and telling them to complete - compelling them to join.
  • OK, thanks! I do hope that that is the case at the tip was for over $300 and Henry said it has cleared OK so I provided the service it was in payment for already! xxx

  • melanthedivine so did the user complete this payment?
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