Another quick question

Is there any way to see the total amount I have made through my site this week/month?
Not just the transactions individually but how they all add up?

Honestly, Im the worst at math but I like to set goals for myself, Im having a hard time doing that and not knowing my totals 


  • Ooo! This, I would love this as well! 
  • Hi girls, for now, to check that amount, you need to contact your dedicated account manager or just write a request to support at Later, we are planning to make this information visible in the model admin panel.
  • The "next payout" widget was planned on the new dashboard some time ago, however, it is being delayed by the move to the new payouts back end system, so that widget depends on that or it will display incorrect information. We should have this in the nearest time, just needs to be ironed out.
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