Promo code or trial membership ability with streamate

I realize this may be a difficult one as it would require streamate cooperation but, it would be great to be able to offer streamate members a promo code or limited trial membership.
As an example scenario high tippers in a gold show would receive a free 2 day trial membership to our site 1. as a reward for tipping extra and 2. as a way to promote our MC site more actively to our existing streamate fanbase. I know we have the ability to create free memberships on MC but there is currently no way for us to send them to the site without violating our agreement with streamate. 


  • You can! If you go to "My Site" at the top of your dashboard, then "apps" on the side navigation of the My Site page, you will see that you can add Streamate as an app. Once its approved you have a "settings" button by your streamate name. In those setting you can offer a set price per month for Streamate members and an additional percentage off private shows. Your website will also show up on Streamate while you are live on cam, (as long as in your app section it say that the connection between your site and SM was completed), thats where they will be offered the Streamate member price per month.

    ALSO for promotional purposed check out this forum

  • Hi, actually, your link does not show up when you are live only when you're not live.  It also only shows up to members.  I've got my site connected, which is great, but feel that it is a little silly and unfair that our sites do not show up all of the time.  It is in the small print somewhere about this.  The discounts for SM members is good though as they feel as though you are doing them a great deal!

    The link shows up as a button where the 'message me' button appears on the top of your profile, to the right of your main profile pic.

  • Hey Ladies,
     Thanks for your comments! I do have the site linked to streamate already. I talked with streamate support about the link visibility and on streamate and cammodels the links are now visible both while you are on and offline, although some of the affiliate sites do not display the link while online still.
     The promo code or trial I was trying to suggest would be to give members a short preview of the site i.e. a 2 day trial membership rather than having to purchase a full monthly subscription before ever seeing the site as is the case now with the site integration link.

    Another thing I am trying is I uploaded some screenshots of the website to the photo gallery on my SM profile so that members can at least get a glimpse of what they would be signing up for although I am still waiting to see if SM will approve the pics.

    thanks again for all your input!
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