Marketing Strategy: I've launched an eMagazine for my MC site

I've launched an eMagazine for my MC site . You can see it at

Most of the magazine is free. I charge $9.95 for the premium video content in the final few pages.

One of the cool things is that I am promoting the magazine on twitter with direct links to specific pages in the magazine. So by promoting models in my magazine, I increase traffic to the whole magazine and then to my MC site.

It's amazingly fun!

James Darke


  • Wow! It looks awesome (and like a lot of work - 87 pages!) Obviously a labour of love! Great job! Your site looks like so much fun too!

    I'm just getting started and feel like I have so much to learn from you and the other seasoned pros on MC. Thank you for sharing and being an inspiration!

  • Thank you.

    I have lots of friends who are curious about MC. So I've recorded some video tutorials on how to launch and run a successful MC site. Here are links to the first 5 video tutorials.

    ModelCentro Training Series

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5


  • TickleVideos , oh wow, great job!

  • Thanks. I'm editing the rest of the video tutorials.

  • Great series! You are an asset to the community!

  • Thank you. 

    I'm still editing the rest of the videos in this series. Looks like I'll have to stream these from my Vimeo account. 

  • edited February 2018
    Double message deleted.
  • I have lots of friends who are curious about MC. So I've recorded some video tutorials on how to launch and run a successful MC site. Here are links to the first 5 video tutorials.

    ModelCentro Training Series






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