Discount codes

For me the first year of my website was all about finding out what works and what doesn`t, trying to create good content and sometimes i hit a speedbump. Some members have stayed and some have cancceled due to lot`s of different reasons. Now my website is finally up and running as it should be and i want to get back the members who have left. To get them to take a new look at my site i want to give them a special discount, not a discount for everyone but to send the people that i want to give a discount. Like % off on any membership of choise 


  • monasummers , we are working on the disount codes feature right now and very soon you'll be able to provide your ex-members with them :) 

  • This is music to my ears as was literally coming on to post about this. Discount codes we can send to previous members or people that have not completed their sign up would be great . 


    Excited for this featurw to happen

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