A few bugs on mcprofits.com I have found

A few bugs on mcprofits.com I have found.

1. When you get your link for a models site, it only gives you mariamia.xxx/r/0a5jOj90 rather than in full https://www.mariamia.xxx/r/0a5jOj90

2. On the fhg's, its still only giving you the http not the https (as I think all your sites are now https), such as http://lunacorazonfanclub.com/r/Uy9b09lA/t/n/free-gallery/21420/luna-corazon-fhv/videos

3. When you get your fhg's it asks you to enter somthing in the Campaign box. I find this a pain, and would prefer this as an option, as it just slows me down.

4. I cannot save any of the pics from the fhg's to use to promote the fhg. This is a real pain.

5. I wish I could have the mcprofits.com profits meerged with my own paysite profits as after all I am using the same log in for both sites.

6. Could you make it that I can have all the fhg's for a site listed on one page rather than spend hours grabbing the link one at a time.

7. Could I have ALL the links to ALL the websites on mcprofits on a single page rather than grab them one at a time.


The split of 50/50 is not 50/50 as in say a split of say $20 would be $10 to the affiliate and $10 to the site owner, but its more a 25/25/50 split as in the $10 is split between the site owner and modelcentro, so the site oner ends up with about $4 to $5. This is just a thought to those who are planning on getting most of the sales from mcprofits.com that they should look at getting there own sales as this way they will make more money.



  • I would also prefer it if you could offer the fhg's as a basic htlm, as well as the fancy ones (I am not keen on them to be honest) you have now.

    I think a lot of people who promote sites on the mcprofits system would welcome a more basic fast loading fhg's.

    I would also prefer it if the fhg's with vids could be set up to show only one vid, rather than many vids and pics as I do not think that looks attractive and the ones I have seen simply look a mess.

  • Hi @kinkycollar

    we'll review your suggestions together with our team and see how we can improve the FHG.

    Thanks for your feedback

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