Hello there! Fairly new MC model looking for help with new ideas as far as traffic to my adult website. I was wondering if any of you know if there are any adult friendly advertising websites that will give me more traffic to my website? FREE or NOT! Im willing to pay for good quality traffic to my website but if there are websites where I can promote my xxx website for free id like to know please. I know some MC models have experience when it comes to getting traffic to their website and know lots of tips and tricks. I promote my website soley on instagram (which is where most of my MC website sales come from) and twitter. I have about 4000 instagram followers but not very many twitter followers. Please help/ I would love some insight and wisdom. Thank you.
Hi, use xxx tube sites and also these ones for pics is great site, they don't join affiliate and post you on page as long as people like your videos
also there theads in this comunity about review sites which are good too
Camila Cherry and welcome aboard!
Take a look at this thread, you can find a lot of useful resources there:
Camila Cherry and welcome to the MC family! Hope you like it here!
You should definitely go through threads tagged "Promotion" - there are plenty of great ideas and advice there:
If you have any questions or can't reach some sites/owners of resources, please let me know - I have more direct contacts than I can put on the forum and ways to ping these people for a reply
email's natalie at modelcentro dot com
Thank you all so much!
Twitter is a great place to get traffic. I have a number of posts in the community with tips on promoting on Twitter.
@Camila Cherry, yes definitely check out @7veils';s threads, they've got great advice for social media marketing:
Thank you I definetly will!
Shoot me a PM or email Got some new projects in the works, plus can share some tips on traffic generation, SEO and internet marketing in general.
this is all very helpful! Thank you also
Hello Everyone I just found another site that allows you to list your website for free for traffic/affiliate or other purposes. Check it out they are a great company.
Don't forget to Follow them via Twitter @adultwebmasterz for more details and info heres what they sent me:
Hi http://Desirablebottom Thanks for following us! Want to gain more traffic and links to your Adult Website? Be sure get listed in the Premier Adult Webmasters Directoriy - … We will have you listed quickly! Thanks, Your Friends @ Serving Adult Webmasters Since 1998
They do have a pay option as well.
The ONLY thing they require you to do is put a badge of their company on the home page of your official website before you submit your information to be listed
Glad to help out when I can Enjoy Ladies & Gents
so helpful...thanks!
So I tried posting my link and tried adding their link after my link then tried adding my link behind their link and still got a message "Could not find our reciprocal link you provided. You need to link to us to be able to submit a link"
@DesireableBottom exactly how do you add the badge to your main page?
great question, im interested too
Just file a request to modelcentro support about it BBW's Unlimited
Natalie Thank you. I will get back to this when im less stressed with Facebook lol