Advice on Writing a Bio

Does anyone have any Advice on Writing a Good Bio and What is Good words to Use to make my Site Rank High on SEO for Google


  • Hi Cher, 
    Let me give you some SEO tips which not only going to help you write the biography, but also blog posts, video, photoset titles and descriptions.
    The main thing I would recommend to improve your website’s rankings is using keywords. Choose the keywords that make the most sense for your website. For example, if you are selling cupcakes, then you have a variety of keywords to choose from, such as cupcakes, baked goods, sweets, etc. The same works for the ModelCentro website, just determine the primary, and the secondary keywords, and keep in mind, the most likely primary keyword is probably the least likely one to get you ranked at the top. The keyword ‘cupcakes’ would probably be the one offering the most competition.
    Use Keywords in all the right places:
    Blog Posts
    Use Hyperlinks for your keywords to emphasize a section, and take advantage of the opportunity to send visitors to another part of your page, possibly to the ‘Join me’, ‘Tip me’ pages or to Amazon WishList. 

  • I never thought of Hyperlinking other pages

  • Cher, also, for the bio - try to focus on what makes you different, and try to repeat those particular keywords. Think of what your members could be looking for, try to think as a random person online who is looking for you. Write up a text randomly, without stopping to think, then edit in the proper keywords and organize it. Proofread it a few hours later, critically, and make more changes if needed. My strategy is always - think as a reader of this text, not as an author.
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