Zipped content and Video content for affiliates, does it stay blocked from the areas I have chosen?

That's a concern of mine. I specifically blocked where my husbands ex wife is because we just got out of court over her finding my old site. While it got thrown out, I still rather avoid her finding me again easily. So if I share this content with affiliates I have no control over where it goes what so ever?




  • i mean the zipped files they want us to use.

  • @Starr Noir, unfortunately, we can't control where webmasters publish your promo content. However, even is someone from the restricted areas sees your banner on an affiliate resource, he/she won't be able to access your site 

  • Which on that note, other sites, such as social media for example, don't have regional blocking capabilities. Promotion vs privacy is always gonna be a double-sided blade.

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