Proper linking in Twitter

I know this sounds like an amazing topic! Yes, sarcasm. But it is something that is important. I have noticed that some tweets have links that look like this: "Go see me and see my new pics!"  Usually you I am seeing this is the site URL is the same as your Twitter handle. 

Seems fine right? The problem is, this is not a link. By adding the twitter tag to the URL (@twittername) you break the link. So now when people click, it goes to that Twitter profile and not your website. When you tweet a link you want to make sure that it actually creates a hyperlink, ie. a URL you can click. 

-You do not need http:// in your link. 

- You do not need www 

-You DO need it to be a complete URL with no gaps (ie. ) 

If your ULR is long, you can use link shortners such as,, tiny.url, to shorten the length of your tweet. Ones like even allow you to cusomeize the link.



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