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Hi I recently read a Discussion on here, but now I cant find it so thought Id ask and see if I can be pointed in the right direction :) I have only just released I can make Fans their own login, Ive lost out on a lot of money because people have struggled to sign up, but Ive seen that now I am able to make their membership and send it to them :) Just a few questions about it, if I make them a page, do they get rebilled as usual? Or does it get canceled on the date I have put in? I didnt want them to be able to contiune using the login after the date if they dont pay again? As they have access to the site with a password I dont know I cant cancel after the time is up. 

Im also wondering if theres a limit to how many I can sign up? Obviosuly if they are paying me outside of modelcentro you dont recieve your fee cuts? I dont want to take the p*ss with it but I know id make more money if I was to sell outside of the website. 

Thanks x 




  • @ElizabethHunny, if you give access to a user manually, we can not rebill them (we don't have their credit card information). So, the user will expire after the term of access that you specify when creating the account.

    The manual user feature is made for you to have the freedom of rewarding customers, and enticing them to join. We recommend using it for twitter contests, freeones giveaways and other promotional offers.

    However, you are of course not expected to recieve money outside of the service for these memberships. We have not yet put in a limit to it, simply because we haven't found enough abuse to cause us to put it in stone yet, but we ask that you do not abuse the service that is giving you a very fair cut of the profit provided all the features and technology offered.

  • Thanks for the reply :)

    I understand now, I was just hoping he wouldnt get another month for free :) 

    & I totally understand not to abuse it, I wont be using it much, But i think its a great idea to get some more people to purchase, Hopefully once his free month is up he'll purchase a month ro two :P


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