How valuable would automated DMCA monitoring and takedowns be for you?

Just gauging interest here. Yes, I do have something going on, it's only in proof-of-concept right now, not going to plug it, this isn't about my services, this is just about gauging interest.

So, how valuable would automatic DMCA monitoring and takedowns be?

Also, how much do models believe piracy cuts into their bottom line?



  • C4S has this and I find it to be very helpful since I don't want to be spending hours sending out takedown notices to various sites. Realistically the people who are pirating content are not willing to pay for it even if they can't find it for free. But just on pricipal I don't like people stealing my work so I do spend some time once a week searching sites where I know my videos repeatedly are posted, mostly the russian version of facebook. 

  • VK is the Russian social network, I'm assuming.

    What do you think of C4S's DMCA services? Well aware of them and the partners they have providing the services, but would love to hear some feedback from personal experience.

  • You know I'm a fan! Couldn't believe it when I recently found out that rips of my entire site were out there. I search fairly often on my own for my content, but the pros can find so much more that models miss.

  • @DirtyLittleHolly I was shocked too. Not so much over how much pirated content there was. That will never shock me. Can't believe a foreign torrent site got taken down through a request to the country's embassy. That I found shocking.

  • edited June 2016

    Absolutely piracy cuts into the bottom line. 

    DMCA monitoring service is amazing but usually the companies, despite what they say, can't do it. I always find way more searching on my own than a company ever could. 

  • edited June 2016

    When you find additional pirated content, there's still a value of having a party submit a request on your behalf, unless you don't mind having your own real name and address on the document. Granted, you can give any surrogate the ability to submit requests for you, but it's nice to have someone experienced performing all the actions.

  • We have a contract with one of dmca agencies. Well they find a lot more then i could manualy get but it seems i am much faster with file share sites abuse letters then they are. 

    Big problem with automatic agenccies that they will send dmca's to your legal promo content on tubes torrents and forums. That's why we run contract  only for pirat torrents and file shares.  otherwise they would delete all the videos on your promo channels and twitter and tumbler reposts 

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