Is there a way to see past payments received from MC?

Just wondering ^_^ I can't seem to find it.



  • Hey @Mika, at the moment there's no such functionality. However, our team is already working on a payment history feature. In the mean time you can always contact our support and ask for a payment history breakdown ;)

  • There's a lot of sites where I'll create an email folder for their payouts and you can always go off that.

  • Yeah, I'll message support. :) I hope this feature is added, soon! Thanks!

  • This would be really great. Looking forward to it!

  • I'll definitely be on the lookout for this feature

  • I was really surprised to find out MC didn't already have this in place. Every other site I use shows you your payout history plus upcoming payouts and detailed sales statistics. On the dashboad I know it show recent user activity but it would be really helpful to have more detailed statistics on how many times a video has been viewed and by how many users. I message people asking what they want to see on the site but most people don't respond. It would be hlepful to know what videos and photos are most popular with members so you can keep prodcuing content you know your members like. 

    Luckily I have stats from my download stores so I know what videos of mine are most popular among my fans but for girls/guys without other stores that information would be really helpful.

  • Leila I like you suggestion abover this would be great to se which video gets th most views etc . 

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