Tweets Might Increase To 10,000 Characters

It's been alleged that Twitter is upping it's Tweet size to 10,000 characters. I'm personally shocked. That seems like a very not-Twitter thing to do. Although sometimes it's hard to fit everything you need to say into a single tweet, there's something to getting it right and being able to express something absolutely compelling in only 140 charecters.

My other thought: Enabling of hashtag spam. Twitter is either going to have to tweak their hashtag ranking algorithm, limit the number of hashtags per post or only give credit to hashtags "above the fold".



  • I'm all for upping the character limit, but 10,000?! That's crazy! 240 would be perfect.

  • Yes I think 10k is just way too much... who's gonna read all that. Can it still be considered a tweet at all? Doesn't it basically go against what twitter is about altogether?

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