The things I'm hoping to see most in 2016!

Here are a few of the updates I'm most excited to see implimented this year! 

1. Allow us to upload our own Flavicon's for our websites. 

2. Add optional websites for the social media section. We already have twitter, instagrm, tumblr and facebook. I'd love to have the ability to add fetlife, reddit and other social media blocks and just have it show up as a globe or other catch all so that I can put anything I want there. 

3. On the sidebar of the blog I'd love to be able to select some of the posts I want users to see right away and have them listed as "suggested posts" or something else similar. 

4. Add editable additions to the menu. I know this has been suggested repeatedly and is the most difficult, but I'd love to see it happen for this year. Adding our own information to a page that is then immediately available in the menu would be amazing. I appreciate that there is a work around where you guys will add it on our behalf but it would definitely rock to be able to have anything I want go there. Custom videos, information about events I'll be going to, whatever. 

5. Removal of the optimization screen. I know you have it there for a reason, but I'd love to see you get to a place where it isn't needed. 

6. Public live shows! Right now I'm using MFC once a week to put on public live shows of me gaming. I would love to be able to go this right on model centro and attract an audience that might go on to purchase memberships. Especially if I can switch from fun and silly public show to members only for the grand finale of an evening. 

7. Even more profile themes to choose from!


I know some of this is already in the words, and some of it may not be. Anyway, these are the things I'm most looking forward to this year. Thanks for all you do! Model Centro really is great.


  • 1) I honestly just thought every model was too lazy to upload a cusotmized favicon. This is probably the best suggestion I've seen.

    2) Another great suggestion. Being able to add "hardlinks" to any site would be a great way to list all the networks that a model belongs to.

    3) Sure.

    4) I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong) the ability to create custom pages and add menu links to said custom pages?

    5) Sure, or at least make it more cusotmizable?

    6) I'm not part of the MC dev team (much love to fellow code-monkeys!) but this sounds like the hardest to implement.

    7) Wouldn't it be great if MC licsensed a "self-hosted" version where you had control over the actual code and could host it on your own server. Would open up the potential of 3rd party development and design. Don't lnow how feasible this is, or what kind of legal / other headaches this would generate. Just building a dream off your suggestion. ;)

  • I agree that the live shows would probably be the most difficult! It's too bad that the hardest things are the ones that I want most! But that's why I listed it for all of 2016. I don't expect any of it to happen over night, but I would definitely love to see some of it happen before the end of the year. 

  • AlexEmpireWebcamStartup  !

    Some of these requests are already in the works, some are in the incoming requests list. I will add the ideas which are not there yet 

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