Great tip and hack - making fhg's for affiliates

If you have affiliates promoting your site then you need fhg's.

You can now make these (of sorts) in your site.

1. Click photosets.

2. Select pics - But only about 6 to 12.

3. Click on the box 'Show full photosets'

You should find you get a page like:

The important thing for your affiliates is to add there code to the end:


Change code for there code.

So you should get:

or for one of my affiliates its:

In the description box I would put somthing like 'Note: These are just free samples. The unedited/rude pics can be found in the members area.' This was your members will know.

Its not a perfect way to do fhg's, but its better than nothing.

I posted the others I have done on:




  • kinky collar ! Thanks for posting this.

  • I should also point out that affiliates can link to any page on your site, but they need to put /?foxref=CODE on the end.

  • A few tips.

    1. Put a list of your fhg in a text file. It makes it quick then to email your affiliates. Also you can add there code for them if they do not know how.

    2. Make a folder of pics from each fhg. Some webmasters may wish to make there own fhg's from your pics to promote your site.

  • When making these galleries will the photo set be shown to paid members as well? If would be nice if we could hide the what is seen inside the memebers area. 

    I am having the same trouble with the videos (Update Viability). I have made a 45 second video clip that I would like to only be shown on the free tour but not in the members area.

    If I enable (Show update to guest) and If I disable (Show update to fans) the video does not appear on the free tour.

    If I disable (Show update to guest) and If I enable (Show update to fans) the video does not appear on the free tour.

    The only way the video appears if both (Show update to guest) and (Show update to fans) are enabled. But then paid members are able to see the 45 second video clip as well as the full length video.


  • Lisa Sparxxx - the trouble with allowing some content to be on tour and not in members zone is that it's a valid reason for a user to complain/ask for a refund if he doesn't find the content that was on tour inside the members area... I understand that in this case it's a promo tool, in fact, it'd be even better if we could disable showing the update to either fans or members and just have a direct link to it, creating a full-scale FHG... and that I know is in the works, but has been moved about the priorities task pane.

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