I can't find my site link?

Hi everyone!

I'm super new, and I have a question.  I finished all the start up processes [add video, photos, verification etc] and finally launched my site today.  But when I click the "Open my site" icon in the upper left of the toolbar on my dashboard, it opens a new tab and redirects me to the Google homepage?  I saw the url address for a split second before it redirected, and typing it in manually [ heftyhally.modelcentro.com ] still just redirects me to the google homepage.  Typing it into Google search says that it couldn't find any results.  

What am I missing here?  lol.


  • Hey @H.Hally! Happens to the best of us. You probably have blocked your state or area in the access restrictions. You should add your own IP to exceptions in order to see your own site while the city or state is blocked. You can do that by going to "My Site" in top menu and then "Settings" in the left menu.

  • ...just posted a blog post, and when it promted me to share via twitter and tumblr, I checked yes, and went to the tweet and tumblr post and clicked the links and both linkis redirect to the google homepage as well. ???????

  • @H.Hally, did your remove the Geo Restrictions? Are you sure you're not just blocking yourself? Because redirect to google is what happens to anyone who tries to access your website for a blocked territory, and you have full control over who/what areas you are blocking.

  • @H.Hally,

    What I mean is - if you've blocked your state/area in http://modelcentro.com/settings, your website will redirect to Google for anyone in the area you blocked. To give yourself access to it, you gotta unblock yourself. 

    I've just added your IP to the "Excluded from blocking" list, please try opening your website now.

    If your IP is dynamic, it won't work if it changes, so you'll have to re-exclude yourself by first going to https://www.whatismyip.com/ and then adding your new IP to the exclude rule, removing the old one.


  • I understand what you're saying, and I figured it out because of your answer!  I geo block everything pretty much but I have a vpn on my internet browser and it had crashed and wasn't working.  I thoiught I was covered because of the vpn and didnt even think to check it out.  Thank you for the reply though!  I probably would have been mindlessly trying to figure it out if you hadn't pointed me in the right direction!

  • Sorry it came out a bit too tedious an explaination laugh

    Glad we got it all solved @H.Hally! Welcome on board!

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