Whats Better?
I have Clip Stores but Seems Most my Hits are on My Website. Which Do all Your Girls Like More. I Really Hope that ModelCentro Adds a Store Option when they are Able cause then I can Move My Clip Store and Physical Store to My Website. I Love ModelCentro So Far
Wouldn't it still make sense to host / sell the content across multiple networks to take advantage of the traffic / reach? Plus you can find some way to pitch the call to action; "Subscribe to my membership site and receive all my content, plus exclusive pics and videos at low low cost of [whatever you charge]"
It's a good idea to cross-promote - some people will only get 1 video becasue that's what they are into, others want to connect with the model and communicate, while paying monthly. We will be adding a pay-per-video function, however, until that is ready - you can (as we impose no restrictions), promote other services. I hear C4S lets you put a link to your site on your store - did you do that yet?