Do you allow Downloads

Hey everyone,

Right now I don't allow downloads and I have been going back and fourth on maybe I should allow. I would like to hear if you do allow it and if you feel its better for the fans.

thank you


  • No i don`t, the many they pay is extremely low when you compare it to the normal pay per minute system an then they also get only streaming.
    And besides that you don`t know what they are doing with it and where on the internet they are placing it.

    I feel like giving them the option to download is just giving everything away, then i just rather take my site offline. 
  • I used to since it seems to be the norm, but I recently decided not to allow downloads. I sell my individual videos on lots of other sites (clips4sale, extralunchmoney, mygirlfund, etc), so if someone likes them enough to want to keep them, they have to pay extra for it.
  • I dont allow it, just for the fact that like Mona said, it's so cheap that streaming seems the only fair way. If they're allowed to download, they could join for a month, download all your content and fap for free from there on out.

    As someone who has a big problem with stolen content being uploaded to tube sites, any steps I can take to make theft harder, I will. I'm aware that just disabling downloads wont stop it, but its a good start to deterring those that enjoy the easy opportunity.
  • Ok great ladies thank you for your input. I have never allowed it and I think I will stay that way.
  • I allow it for Certian Videos which are Downloadable in my Clipstore
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