Touch Your Belly Button and other social media trends

If you are following some of the strange social media trends, you may have seen on emerge about touching your belly button. This is where you wrap your arm around your back and try to wrap it far enough around to actually touch your belly button.  Strange? Yes. It is very big in Japan right now.  This is an example of a trend that you can participate with in a larger level. Many people are speaking out against this trend because it is falling into the body shaming category. The idea being that you have to be very thin to successfully do it. This isn't technically true, you just have to be flexible.  This trend gives you an opportunity to either post a picture of yourself doing it, if you don't have a problem with it. Or you can post about it and discuss why you do have a problem with it. 

This trend is being compared to the "thigh gap" thinsperation pics that were going around for a while. 

However, the trend allows you to participate in a much bigger discussion that is happening on the internet. It is a discussion that is happening on all platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc).  A trend like this gives you an opportunity to flex your brain muscle, as well as your social aptitude muscle. 

Additionally, because it is something that is timely and relevant, you are likely to get in front of a much bigger audience and may pick up some new fans. 


  • Meh... too thin to be pretty IMO... tastes differ :P
  • LOL..Oh My let  me try this ..I don't think I can do it..LOL but hey whatever works and gets media attention Im totally down for...Thanks for sharing OXOXO
  • This 'touch your belly button' thing is discriminational to tyrannosaurs! 

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