Pointing my Cname Site disappearing

Hello everyone!

So, I am in the process of switching my site over from the old version to modelcentro. I guess I picked the wrong time to do it. I figured the weekend would be best. But I am having issues with my switch. I had to use the Cname version to point my domain to the URL because I have emails associated with my URL. I do not want to loose them. 

Anyways, I contacted my host and it seems my site isn't appearing at all. My URL is samanthagracelive.com 

My domain company said the following...
"You will want to contact your host about that. Also, you will likely want a CNAME for "www" as well, but we are not sure about that. Again, a question for your host.


I figured someone here could help me and has had experience. I didn't think modelcentro had regular office hours for support. I mistakenly assumed they would be open on Saturday. 


  • Your best bet is Emailing straight to support at ModelCentro.com
  • edited May 2015
    I did. I think they are closed on weekends. I was hoping not to wait all weekend. I figured maybe someone would know a solution before Monday. But I guess I will have to wait. I was hoping the switch would go seamless for my members without downtime. As I have an active site. 
  • edited May 2015
    Hi @SamanthaGrace, David has been working on the matter over the weekend and is investigating this problem right now (he sent you another email, please take a look).
    No we are not open 24/7, although there is always a "manager on duty" to reply to urgent requests/bugs over the weekend, and if need be to pull developers out of their rightful rest time and have them fix things if the matter is serious.
    As fas as I know the issue is due to the domain name misconfiguration and there isn't very much our devs could do if the domain name is pointed incorrectly, David is on it tough and I trust he'll be able to fix things promptly.
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